u 基本情况
彭钢 ( Gang Peng),男,1983年10月出生,湖南衡阳人,讲师,博士,主要从事高分子化学领域研究。
u 教育经历
2008/09 – 2013/06:中国科学院大学成都有机化学研究所,高分子化学与物理专业,博士
2002/09 – 2006/07:湖南师范大学,化学化工学院,应用化学专业, 学士
u 工作经历
2013/07 – 至今,衡阳师范学院,化学与材料科学学院,讲师
2019/05-2020/08 加拿大多伦多大学访学
u 科研项目
[1] 2016-2018年年主持湖南省自然科学基金《基于位点特异固定化的荧光粒子的构筑及应用》(2016JJ6014)
u 获奖情况
[1] 2017年科研论文《Stabilized Enzyme Immobilization on Micron-size PSt-GMA Microspheres: Different Methods to Improve the Carriers’ Surface Biocompatibility》获衡阳市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖。
u 主要论著
[1] Gang Peng, Xiaohui Hou, Bailing Liu, Hualin Chen, Rong Luo. Stabilized enzyme immobilization on micron-size PSt–GMA microspheres: different methods to improve the carriers' surface biocompatibility[J].RSC Advance, 2016, 6(94): 91431-91439.
[2] Gang Peng, Bin Wang, Xu Meng, Bailing Liu, Rong Luo. Different dispersion polymerization strategies influence the quality of fluorescent poly (St-co-GMA) microspheres[J]. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2015, 132(18): 1-9.
[3] Gang Peng, Xu Meng, Bin Wang, Bailing Liu, Hualin Chen. The Surface Characteristics of Chitosan Modified PSt-GMA Microspheres Influenced the Interactions and Properties of Immobilized Pepsin[J]. Journal of macromolecular science part A:pure and applied chemistry, 2015, 52(1): 20-29.
[4] Gang Peng, Chunxia Zhao, Bailing Liu, Fei Ye, Hanwen Jiang. Immobilized trypsin onto chitosan modified monodisperse microspheres: a different way for improving carrier’s surface biocompatibility[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2012,15 (258):5543-5552
[5] Gang Peng, Chunxia Zhao, Bailing Liu, Zhe Sun, Rong Luo. Chitosan modified PSt-GMA microspheres with/without spacer-arms as carriers: their influences on kinetics, stability, optimal pH, adsorption behavior of immobilized trypsin [J]. Journal of macromolecular science part A:pure and applied chemistry, 2012, 49(10):851-860.
[6]彭钢, 刘白玲, 王斌, 李晨英. 临近闪烁分析法在高通量筛选中的应用研究进展[J]. 化学进展,2012, 24(8):1572-1582.